Category Archives: Leadership


India has been facing a jobless economic growth for more than a decade now. (See here and here This means that the economic growth is capital intensive but not labor intensive. The GDP growth rate is at an average of 7%, yet unemployment is growing. We have not been able to create enough […]

Personal Transformation = Business Results

Thought Leadership

Personal transformation has a broad definition and several aspects to it. Google helps you get a sense of this. When you search for personal transformation, the topics range from forgiving your past, to developing productive habits, to finding your life purpose, to leaving your comfort zone , to developing empathy for others, to…. the list […]

EMPS Energy Part 4: Spiritual Battery

Let us start by refreshing our understanding of the present times. We are living through a crisis the modern world has never seen before. Heads of nations, CEOs, and religious leaders, all have publicly shown their humility in the face of this ongoing crisis. The pandemic’s many facets and impacts on the economy, social fabric, […]

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