Category Archives: Leadership

Do psychometric type (MBTI/DiSc/Big5…) change over time?

Yes ! is the short (and fast) answer to the question raised by Damodar Padi here, which prompted this article. The philosophical answer is, “the more things change, the more they remain the same”. I am writing more assuming that we are interested in ‘Thinking Slow’ answers along with ‘Thinking Fast’ ones. The long (and slow) answer, […]

HELP – What United Airlines missed and so did we!

(This article was published first in April 2017. The lessons are timeless for airlines industry in particular, and all industries in general) Let’s start as if this is yet another piece on the United Airlines incidence.  So let’s have quick, almost oversimplified, recap: Overbooked flight as a standard industry practice. Passengers who had already boarded were […]

Meta-predictive Psychometrics: The Big Data of Psychology

All of us love to know more about ourselves and about others, and it is rare that a person doesn’t get drawn to a questionnaire promising an expansive insight. Even if it is in a salon magazine! Most corporate citizens get exposed to more formal versions of such questionnaires/inventories wrapped in unnecessary significance, compensated ironically […]

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